Create a Workspace

How to create a workspace in Faros.

Once you have installed the Faros CLI, you can create a workspace to group resources together under a virtual cluster-like environment. Each workspace contains its own resources, such as namespaces, service accounts, roles, roleBindings, secrets, and configMaps.


Step-by-Step Workspace Creation

Check Current Hierarchy Level Workspaces:

kubectl get ws

View Full Hierarchy Tree:

kubectl faros ws tree

Create the First Workspace Named clusters:

kubectl faros ws create clusters
# Confirmation of creation and readiness
Workspace "clusters" (type root:faros) created. Waiting for it to be ready...
Workspace "clusters" (type root:faros) is ready to use.

Check the Newly Created Workspace:

kubectl get ws
# Example output
NAME       TYPE    REGION   PHASE   URL                                                     AGE
clusters   faros            Ready   7s

Creating Nested Workspaces & Navigating

Navigate Inside the Workspace:

kubectl faros ws use clusters
kubectl faros ws create prod

Return to Root Workspace:

kubectl faros ws use :

Display Full Workspace Hierarchy:

kubectl faros ws tree
kubectl ws tree
# Example output
└── ixn3tjgtr9bb
    └── clusters
        └── prod

How each workspace is structured and managed is up to you. You can create as many workspaces as you need, and nest them as required.