How to Create a Faros Workspace

Published on May 2, 24

Faros is a Kubernetes management and aggregation platform that helps you manage your clusters. It works consistently across all major cloud providers, on-premise or even home labs, and is based on open-source technologies like Kubernetes and kcp.

Understanding Workspaces in Faros

Workspaces in Faros function like enhanced Kubernetes namespaces. They simulate standalone virtual clusters, providing a structured way to group resources. Each workspace includes its own set of resources such as namespaces, service accounts, roles, roleBindings, secrets, and configMaps.

Creating a New Workspace

Step-by-Step Workspace Creation

Check Current Hierarchy Level Workspaces:

kubectl get ws

View Full Hierarchy Tree:

kubectl faros ws tree

Create the First Workspace Named clusters:

kubectl faros ws create clusters
# Confirmation of creation and readiness
Workspace "clusters" (type root:faros) created. Waiting for it to be ready...
Workspace "clusters" (type root:faros) is ready to use.

Check the Newly Created Workspace::

kubectl get ws
# Example output
NAME       TYPE    REGION   PHASE   URL                                                     AGE
clusters   faros            Ready   7s

Creating Nested Workspaces

Navigate Inside the Workspace:

kubectl faros ws use clusters
kubectl faros ws create prod

Return to Root Workspace::

kubectl faros ws use :

Display Full Workspace Hierarchy:

kubectl faros ws tree
kubectl ws tree
# Example output
└── ixn3tjgtr9bb
    └── clusters
        └── prod

Next steps

After creating your workspace, you can proceed to integrate remote clusters. For more details on how to mount remote clusters to Faros, visit how to mount remote cluster to Faros for more details.