How to create Faros account

Published on May 1, 24

Faros is a Kubernetes management and aggregation platform that helps you manage your clusters. It works consistently across all major cloud providers, on-premise or even home labs, and is based on open-source technologies like Kubernetes and kcp.

Accessing Faros Cloud for Kubernetes Management

To effectively manage your Kubernetes clusters and workspaces, access to Faros cloud is essential. This guide will walk you through the steps to install Faros CLI plugins and set up a Faros account.

Join the Faros Cloud

The Faros CLI can function as a standalone tool or as a plugin for kubectl. Follow these instructions to install Faros CLI plugins for kubectl:


Plugin Installation:

Execute the commands below to add the Faros plugin and install it:

kubectl krew index add faros
kubectl krew install faros/faros

Understanding Workspaces

Workspaces in Faros are akin to Kubernetes namespaces, but with enhanced functionality. They are designed to group resources together under a virtual cluster-like environment, without being actual clusters. Each workspace contains its own resources, such as namespaces, service accounts, roles, roleBindings, secrets, and configMaps.

Setting Up and Managing Workspaces

kubectl faros login

Once logged in, create and manage new workspaces similarly to how you would manage a regular Kubernetes cluster.

Users can be invited via their email, associated with their GitHub accounts, using the following role binding template:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: workspace-admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: faros-sso-{email}

Explore Kubernetes APIs

Check the supported APIs using the command:

kubectl api-resources

View Logical Clusters:

To view your current logical cluster, use:

$ k get logicalcluster
NAME      PHASE   URL                                              AGE
cluster   Ready   10d

Next steps

Once you have your account, now you can start exploring Faros workspaces